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Version: 4.2
what you should know about supOS license
  • A notification appears on the login page 60 days before expiration to remind you.
  • Within 30 days after the expiration date, the platform notifies you of a 10% reduction in online users.
  • 30 days after the expiration date, only admins can access the platform.

Logging in to Operation Center

Access the supOS platform with default account admin and password 123456, and then click Login.

  • Go to > User Security Management > User Management, and change admin password.
  • The account (admin included) will be locked out after multiple wrong attempts. You can change the number of attempts from > System Management > System Configuration > Password configuration.
1Application listDisplays published applications that meet the following requirements:
  • The current account has permission to access.
  • Enabled from > System Configuratin > Menu Configuration.

Favorites and Workflow Management are displayed by default.

2Company nameDisplays the company name the current account belongs to.
  • Click to go back to the homepage. You can set the homepage.
  • Click To Do to view all to-do tasks.
  • Click to reset the password, change personal information, and manage your messages.
  • Click to go to the design center. For details, see Design Center.
  • Click to exit the current account.
4Tab listDisplays all open tabs. Up to 8 tabs are available.
  • Click to close tabs.
  • Click to view the full screen.
  • Manage all workflows of published applications on Workflow.
  • Delegate processes to selected agents on Agent Management.
  • View the progress of each workflow process, pause, restart or stop processes on Process.
  • View all to-do tasks from the ongoing workflow on Task.

Getting to Know Design Center

Click at the upper-right corner on the homepage to go to the design center.

1Function menuMain functions and installed modules are displayed.
  • Click to go back to the homepage.
  • Click to view the manuals and openAPI documents.
  • Click to check the supOS version information. For details, see Platform Information.
  • Click to exit the current account.
3DisplayDisplays the details of the selected module.

Platform Information

Click and then select About supOS.


The data is authorized through the dongle, and can be extended by updating dongle configurations.

  • Number of Web User Sessions : The number of users who can log in at the same time, including on web client and mobile client (supLink and supMobile).
  • Number of Collectors: The number of connected collectors. Collectors cannot connect to the supOS platform when the limit is exceeded.
  • Timing Tag: Processing The number of connected time series tags. The attributes is hidden, timestamps are refreshed and attribute state code is 100000000000000 when the connection limit is exceeded.
  • Instance ID: The only ID of supOS instances.

Admin does not take up any quota. After the system quota is used up, only admin can log in.